The Word Miracle Center International

To my readers:

It is a privilege to share my life's journey
toward becoming closer to God with anyone
who may find my experience helpful during their
struggle to overcome mental, emotion, and physical trauma.
I aim to be a transparent vessel of God to empower my fellow
brothers and sisters with spiritual wisdom in hopes we move past the
shame placed on us by the enemy and embrace
the love and care of our
heavenly father. 
God has blessed me with the strength to candidly write
a number books testifying how his power is limitless and abundant. 
If I have been so loved, even amidst my past, I trust and
we all fall under the grace of the most high. 
I pray that these books provide you with reasons
to trust God and His promises. 

Please click the titles listed below
or the book covers to be directed to
where you can get your copy.

-Apostle Anthony K. Pearson

'No Residue':

Conquering The Spirit Of Homosexuality And Perversion


No Residue will free anyone who have dealt
with guilt and shame because of bad choices, molestation, and abuse of any kind.
It will give you hope and strategic ways to deal with your past
so you may live in freedom and not be chained or held back by your past.

Against All Odds is about how God can bring you from the
pit to the palace by overcoming:
A life of abuse
Deliverance from Homosexuality
& Many other things  
Past hurts and tragic situations
They can actually be the stepping stones
toward becoming the person YOU were created to be!